Koala Checkers
Koala Checkers icon with a piece of your opponent
Chinese Checkers
This is a variation of the classic chinese checkers game.
Checkers of Alice in Wonderland
<p style="text-align: justify">How about a game of checkers with Alice in Wonderland? What makes it hard is if a jump is lined up, it makes you take it.</p>
Master Checkers
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Play a classic game of checkers against your computer in this flash version of checkers.<br />
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Checkers Game
Draughts or checkers is a group of abstract strategy board games between two players which involve diagonal moves of uniform pieces and mandatory captures by jumping over the enemy's pieces. Draughts is played by two people, on opposite sides of a playing board, alternating moves. One player has dark pieces, and the other has light pieces. The player with the dark pieces makes the first move unless stated otherwise. Pieces move diagonally and pieces of the opponent are captured by jumping over them. The playable surface consists only of the dark squares. A piece may only move into an unoccupied square. Capturing is mandatory. A piece that is captured is removed from the board. In all variants, the player who has no pieces left or cannot move anymore has lost the game unless otherwise stated.
Fun fair day
A girl will have a fun time at the country fair. She is really excited to go there and to a eat a big Ice cream. She needs to be dressed for this wonderful day so put her in something light because it's hot outside.
Motorcycle Fun
Ready for fun bike! Hop on these Dirtbike and ride through the city stunt course, complete all the tracks in 1 piece. Good luck!
Fun fun animals
Match 3 or more Aimals to trimmers.
Big shot Checker
Capture all your Oppoet pieces. I block your Oppoet, so they have left o trains. Get your big shot Kig line. Regular pieces ca forward oly.
Chinese Checkers Game
Chineese Checkers
China to play a game of intelligence do intelligence practice.
Class Fun
Make the students to hit the lecturer with the objects and without getting caught by the lecturer.
Fun Flight Attendant
First impressions go hand to hand with good customer service. No matter the airline you travel with, expect a well dressed flight attendant just like this one!
DirtBike Fun
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Ride your dirtbike as you prevent from tipping over. Ride over logs and rock as you balance.
Fires In Fun Town Game
Catch the stuffed animals jumping out of the window. Bounce them 3 times and save the next.
Fruit-Filled Fun Game
Help Strawberry gather fruit for her famous threats! Flip-flop fruit to make 3-or-more of the same kind in a row.
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