The end of World War I. Sgt. Kirley receives orders to a working group consisting of mixed allies and former enemy units. You are sent to investigate a strange sightings in the vicinity of a mysterious deserted trench line. It, Kirley and his men experience their worst nightmares, and are so ordered to defend ditch at all costs. Games as Sgt. Kirley, defending to the trench of incoming waves of zombies. Hold the line!
Carveola incident The ED of the first world war. Sgt. Kirley receives a task force Cosistig of the joint Allied ad orders Joi former Eemy UITS. You are set to Ivestigate a ear a strage Sightigs mysterious lone Trech lie. Kirley display there its me Ecouter wear their worst Ightmares ad defed the Trech Ay costs. Playing as Sgt. Kirley, defed the Trech by Icomig waves of zombies. Keep the lie!