Sears DJ dance master The beat keep hey DJ, ad bust a move! It is the first school Hazel of the year display you it is time to make an Impressio. Square from AGAIST of school hottest DJs, the crowd Hoppig get display.
DJ and chowder in H.O.U.S.E. You are Playig as a DJ. You get to shoot first. Select an arrow o to start the Court. When you take the picture, a shot which has to make fish soup Positio met. If he makes it, it's a tie to start ad agai. If he misses, he receives a letter, display, it is your TUR agai. If you miss, Chowder gets to shoot first. If he makes it, need to shoot from the same place. If you miss, get you a letter indicator Chowder agai. The first player who write the word house loses.