Cable minerCable miner
Bugie-string at the right time to take so you flight Ito the air, the gems display exit access levels

Gold hem cichlidGold hem cichlid
The alie to shoot, but the Spacema alive I keep this Gravitatioal-pull, Shootig ballgame.

Hell DiggersHell Diggers
Get help of the miners their gold to the surface in this dangerous challenging puzzle game!

Fish MoneyFish Money
Remake of the famous game gold miner!

They are similar to gold miner, nuggets of the golden heart with Erotes bow n arrow shoot.

The Show GameThe Show Game
You're the Avarge Joe's Dym Dodgeball Team at the Vegas International Dodgeball Tortument.

Hammer ThrowHammer Throw
Hammer throw your way to the gold medal

This is madnessThis is madness
Kill all the enemies and make sure you collect all the gold to unlock doors,

Pyramid RunnerPyramid Runner
All the gold of level without it to collect with the gorilla.

Grab itGrab it
Access the gold ad Gemstoes.

Sure, I use gold Mies Ifested of Mosters.

Diamond theDiamond the
All Diamods ad you earn Gold FID ca, ad shoot this ghoulish head with you gu.

100m race100m race
Race your Oppoets to wi-gold AGAIST

Pole vaultPole vault
Go for gold medal I pole vault!

Presents GrabberPresents Grabber
<p style="text-align: justify">Drop your grabber to grab the Christmas items. Similar to popular Gold Miner games. Has a shop.</p>

Diamond DenDiamond Den
<p>Collect all diamonds and gold you can find, and shoot all those creepy head with you gun.</p>

Your Quests Out West GameYour Quests Out West Game
Point and click adventure game. You are searching for some hidden gold. Can you find it?

Pendulums IIPendulums II
Collect a lot of the Inca empire gold and bonuses by jumping higher and higher between the swinging platforms in the old treasury!<br />Tags: Pendulums, Jump, Inca, platformer

Fish HuntFish Hunt
<p style="text-align: justify">Complete a series of tasks to get to the gold fish bowl.</p>

The Ninja GameThe Ninja Game
Navigate through the landscape of the Ninja, who are you. Cling to walls and collect pretty gold coins.

Deadly driveDeadly drive
Hummer as you drive the exit button on the Moutais-Grabbig-gold items display heart rate control. So tip!

Hell of diggersHell of diggers
Help of the Miers get their gold back to the surface, I puzzle this Dagerously Challegig game!

Penguins Super KartPenguins Super Kart
The Peguis I took a break from the war to compete the formula of Pegui Champioships. Take heart rate control ad wi the gold.

3D space flyer3D space flyer
The gold platforms display the Dodge, flying the blue objects. Game is faster faster display.

Access keys to the Ulock the gems display doors. Get the pot of gold!

Hands of warHands of war
Kill Eemies, getting gold display complete characters attack. Get armor to buy display better Weapos Moey.

Help Aladdi collect gold cois, magical oil lamps display special items. But caution helps you with the Guardias which Geie to destroy them.

Flap Jack: Adventure boundFlap Jack: Adventure bound
Collect gold cois ad gather as a great treasure. Use the mouse to move to make the whale display, click to throw Captai Jack.

Karimkareem and the Golden SnowshovelKarimkareem and the Golden Snowshovel
KarimKareem was captured by the Warriors of the Kig Hubu IV. Oly, Kareem survive will, if he can FID the lost gold of Sowshovel.

Puzzle defensePuzzle defense
You ca buy towers with gold have eared, Océ, you have purchased a tower click Ivetory button which OES choose WAT Ito do battle.

Pancake bakingPancake baking
They cook the Pacakes util OE page, the coin toss are gold o ad front of the other side. So let BUR!

Blocky in spaceBlocky in space
A bad cosmic pirate has stole of the blocky gold while he was asleep, help undo the him.

The great Indian questThe great Indian quest
On o, then Ay COI to select it. Click cell Ay Blak o, to move the COI there. Make matches of 3 or more cois to TUR to gold. Take all of the cells on gold to complete the level.