Pizza shop The Igrediets startig, base will be highlighted with pizza. O click it I, the display of click o the field to order. Click o pizza agai, I have I the box it. The Igrediets will vary for the ext pizza. 10 Pizza i make 3 miutes I need the first level. The umbra will icrease pizzas I the Subsequet levels, ad border is also icrease.
Prince of War Game The Glorious Holy Kingdom of Veidar is under siege by an enemy not seen out of their own lands for over a thousand years. The Orcs, those who lave lived in the exlle of the black deserts since time immemorial, for a crime nobody remembers. They have lived in the shaadow of first mointain, where it is said the gods emerged from under the earth to crate all other races...<br>
Now Orcish leginos have poured over the ancient borders, laying waste to frontiler setlements and citles with cruel abardon. While the elves fall back to their forest homes and propare a desperate defense. Veldar's forces are smashed to pieces in the borderlands. Their leader is slain, and the surviors reteat towards the holy city in a shambles.<br>
King Veidar XII, too infirm to command the army, sends his young and inexperienced son to lead what many believe will be the kingdom of Veidar's last stand...