I see the music! Notes to points collect - access yellow notes for multiply your score and purple to them until vacuum! Of course, to avoid those annoying red notes. Nothing but problems.
Catch The Bees <p style="text-align: justify">You have to trap all the bees you can by clicking on the figures. Every figure jumps up to a different height. Don't loose the the floor out of sight.</p>
Compact Catch <p><br />
<br />
Try to throw the newspapers into town, so that all people can read </p>
<p>their favorit newspaper.. </p>
<p> </p>
The dreams to catch This girl has fallen asleep case. Click the objects that it is Dreamig her prevet from Awakeig with the mouse-o. O the storm on the exact Momet click that the beam Appearig is.
The Incredibles - catch dash Dash is Causig I issues the school. His teachers-ca't do Aythig, because he is much too fast for them. Stroke the mother is to solve the problem.
Music Catch Game Music Catch. Catch the colorful shapes that appear when the music plays! The more shapes you collect, the more points you get. Yellow shapes give you a bonus and multiply your points, but watch out for red shapes!
The bees to catch You have to catch the bees you ca by Clickig o the numbers. Each figure will jump to a different height. So loose the floor out of sight.
Fairy dancing music box What is ot about fairies love? Have magical powers, we dream that for the appearance we evy display the wigs that ot oly accessories are. To Brig o the magic power display give this fairy tale the look that she deserves.