Whack Your Boss <br />
Whack your boss! Use your fists, computer monitor, trash can and more to beat him up. <br />
Whack Your Boss 17 Ways! (NEW) <p>Can you find all 17 ways to whack your boss?<br />
10 ways to be more productive.</p>
<p>1. Define Your Space.<br />
2. Structure Your Time.<br />
3. Outsource All You Can.<br />
4. Use Technology to Your Advantage.<br />
5. Group Your Errands.<br />
6. Stay Focused.<br />
7. Beware of Yappers.<br />
8. Work With Your Moods.<br />
9. Dress for success.<br />
10. Break for your superiors.</p>
<p>Find all the ways to whack your boss by clicking on the secret items!</p>
Whack Your Soul Mate How is your soul mate meet his premature end? You fall from balloons to a premature death, or is he of boxing gloves be beaten? Find out any specific end.
Serf's up <p style="text-align: justify">It is way back in the Middle Ages and the Kings favorite sport is called Serf is Up. Guide the Black Knight as he whacks unsuspecting peasants for distance.</p>