Bunny Rockstar Bunny Rockstar is about to take over the music industry. She has a big concert coming up and she needs to do some hardcore practicing! Help Bunny Rockstar fully customize her guitar and more! Choose from different paints, straps, stickers, and prints! Don't forget, Bunny Rockstar is known for having crazy out of this word guitars. After you design her guitar, you can practice with Bunny Rockstar by jamming with your keyboard!!
Santa Rockstar Prove your guitar skills I this awesome guitar AGAIST fight of the Grich. Press 1-5 to select you press the strings on enter key press to the guitar ad space activate fever time mode to strum.
Rockstar Hotel jump Like a rock star, you run the most Destructio aroud your hotel possible. Whe stregth bar I is ultimately, press space bar to begi RUIG. Press to jump agai, Aimig, I lad the unvermeindlich of the bed. Msports out of bed, you'll be an item from the widow of Leek. The farther it flies display that it does more Destructio ad people Squishig, get the other hotspots.
The rocker: TV toss How do you get the groupies? Behave like a Rockstar! Launch of trashy hotel room - Othig impressed your FAS as a TV through the widow! Do it!
Beavis and Butt-head: Air guitar Always wated to be a bad-ass Rockstar? Play this game the way puz, butt-a lot. This game you can play music which is Ubelievably bad. Add you to, that I have a few burps A.d. farts (i the key of F Mior) Ad devil of hors take your figers for Bous Fu.