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Play Easy Games online and free at Colouredgames.
  • Turbo Racer GameTurbo Racer Game

    Turbo Racer Game
    Good luck racer because it isn't easy race.

  • Car Race GameCar Race Game

    Car Race Game
    This game is some easy.

  • Zeitenwende GameZeitenwende Game

    Zeitenwende Game
    Phsy is easy...? try...

  • Sudoku OriginalSudoku Original

    Sudoku Original
    The original japanese sudoku game with puzzles ranging from easy to very hard.

  • LokochewLokochew

    Feed your head with Jugle Beefy tribal fruits I this Fuy, easy family arcade.

  • How to lasagna surpriseHow to lasagna surprise

    How to lasagna surprise
    Lear how easy ad make delicious Lasage.

  • Ariel Wasser BalletAriel Wasser Ballet

    Ariel Wasser Ballet
    Makig Ariel Hazel her water Ballet Fu Ad is easy.

  • Pancakes, cookingPancakes, cooking

    Pancakes, cooking
    It looks easy, but you have to work EED, I remain display happy to Everyoe busiess.

  • RamonaRamona

    Sho has a beautiful ad Adveturous spirit. Loves sports, clothing easy to play display.

  • The Wooper adventureThe Wooper adventure

    The Wooper adventure
    Wooper girls Hus bee fried stoled! Save your i this easy Ifatile, Mario themed retro platform game.

  • Flash dribblerFlash dribbler

    Flash dribbler
    The ball display try save it from the other team guys for the greatest time as possible to keep moving. It is easy ot!

  • Hidding aangelsHidding aangels

    Hidding aangels
    Have good eyes display memory? If it's so easy for you to FID Agle Hidde I the clouds.

  • The dam gameThe dam game

    The dam game
    Displays the "stupid game of the day" goes to the easy Brailess catapult game where you ca access it (really) all thig ad - OE dam to patch!

  • Tiny Tina ice cream sundae rushTiny Tina ice cream sundae rush

    Tiny Tina ice cream sundae rush
    Are you ready to start Makig ice of Sudaes? It's starts off pretty easy, but it will play more difficult M7 you!

  • ATV tag raceATV tag race

    ATV tag race
    Ride your ATV over 10 levels, as you by Tippig on hold. Take it easy if you go fast lose.

  • Warriors Orochi DDRWarriors Orochi DDR

    Warriors Orochi DDR
    Push the right arrow as they pass over. Starts off very easy, then gets insane.

  • Batman Gotham City Street ChaseBatman Gotham City Street Chase

    Batman Gotham City Street Chase
    Recover the stolen police car from the Joker; take out his henchmen and avoid oncoming traffic—no easy feat!

  • BMX Pro StyleBMX Pro Style

    BMX Pro Style
    ride your bike over jumps and dips as you hard and easy to perform tricks on your bike.

  • Shooting Range GameShooting Range Game

    Shooting Range Game
    Are you think this game is easy...? only play...;)

  • Deep DiggDeep Digg

    Deep Digg
    Deep Digg is a classic game, it's hard to display easy mode Addictig mode. I the hard mode which supply air drops over the course of time each rock dig Cosumes 20% air. I reduced the easy mode, the air oly whe you dig, OE color ore Cosumes 1% air, OE rock 5% air.

  • Dynasty Street GameDynasty Street Game

    Dynasty Street Game
    Being a member of the Black Gang you have been selected to infiltrate into the base of the opposing Reds, code named Dynasty Street, using our latest technology. The area is heavily guarded and infiltrating it will not be easy.When you reach the Core plant the EM charge on the central mainframe of the complex, which will take out all their electrical hardware. Making it easy for us to make an attack on the base which will be a guaranteed success.

  • Brain FollowBrain Follow

    Brain Follow
    This game will challenge your brain and memory skills to the max. Your objective is to follow the exact path the brain creature takes to reach the level end. If you stray off the path, you will fall into the pit of despair, where none may return. Sound easy? You move slower than the brain creature - so you have to focus on where is has gone and what turns it has taken. Still easy? There are demons and other obstacles that will make your life unpleasant and following the creatures path more difficult. Remember you cannot leave the path the creature has taken - you can move backwards and forward on that path, but you cannot move off at any point. Good luck and have fun remembering!Tags: brain, memory game, memory, thinking, monsters

  • crispy and delicious donutcrispy and delicious donut

    crispy and delicious donut
    Her family want to make some doughnuts? Today you will learn how this delicious treat to make, by you the following simple steps. Yup, it is a quick and easy recipe that can be prepared in just a few minutes. beat the eggs and the sugar in a bowl, then add yogurt, salt, vanilla essence and butter to the mixture. blend the mixture well and keep it aside for later use. now the flour, baking powder, and baking soda in a bowl type, mix thoroughly with spatula. After you are combine both mixtures together and prepare the donut. Now you must provide for the doughnuts frying. Start the prepared donut dough in oil FRY and then sprinkle sugar on it. Voila, tasty, easy to cook doughnuts are ready!

  • Daddy's FreezeriaDaddy's Freezeria

    Daddy's Freezeria
    You have started a relaxed tropical Islad just an easy job at an ice cream shop o, but whe get hectic information Islad loyal customers o come all of Papa Louie for vacation! I this ew Istallmet I Papa Louie clean series, you'll EED to add Igrediets, bled syrup ad ice, Toppigs, ad-serve your Waitig the Uique Freezeria Sudaes customers.

  • Kings IcelandKings Iceland

    Kings Iceland
    An awesome RPG! Hack, slash, a.d. To explore their way through Kigs Islad. If you're familiar with the actio RPG hack ' slash games, lauch the game ad crush all I your way. Easy care pay Attetio, the? atürlich? the attacks, which you will perform with your Weapos

  • FWG bridgeFWG bridge

    FWG bridge
    Build the bridge over the Cayo. Soud easy? Chetna agai. The physics is really cool, display, there is a huge challege Gettig the correct structure. OCÉ built your bridge, this strage creatures ca cross safely I hope. The bridge kits challege Sigificatly increases as you progress from level 1 to 3!

  • simply tasty calzone rolessimply tasty calzone roles

    simply tasty calzone roles
    You want to play game today a new Cook? Look no further, we bring you a yummy game where you get learn how to calzone roles to make not only delicious, but also very easy. You need to understand and follow the instructions step by step the recipe successfully completed. all the ingredients are readily available to make the calzone roles by you. Just follow the instructions exactly and all the ingredients intermingle and then bake in the oven. Have fun!

  • Color World OriginsColor World Origins

    Color World Origins
    Shoot as some balls from your gun as possible to the color of each field is the color of the character within match. Things are not as easy as seem it, teleporters, gravity wells and trolley harder make your job cart.

  • Doraemon FishingDoraemon Fishing

    Doraemon Fishing
    Doraemon fishing is not in English, but this mouse is just game easy to understand and play. Get as many fish as you can and shark to avoid you or it is game over.

  • Police Rural RampagePolice Rural Rampage

    Police Rural Rampage
    These those treatment for those of you, some old school from top to bottom drive action. You share out some hard line nyc style law enforcement agencies, as you are an American COP working the streets in rural England play. It is not an easy task using regular auto Jackings with musical metal booming of their sound systems, and this is only the police. You have six missions to complete.

  • Heartbreak hysteriaHeartbreak hysteria

    Heartbreak hysteria
    It is easy ot Beig a hear-breaker! Color, click o chais blocks who to Kannan this display the same crush the Remaiig blocks together. Disable the Etire Board to see the Fuy side of love.

  • Shell lostShell lost

    Shell lost
    The clumsy sail to save! It lost its shell ad ow it is your task to sail the way back to lead to the shell. A Charmig puzzle-Fu game with easy Cotrols ad Fuy graphics. Have Fu!

  • Blazer fashionBlazer fashion

    Blazer fashion
    Blazer is a type of vest Beig I loved the past year display, it's also a fashion fever of this year. Blazer is the cool days autum I popular. Blazer is easy to mix a rock, could with pleat stroked high waist or the most Commoly with short. So take a look ad ö decide for themselves.

  • Odd duckOdd duck

    Odd duck
    Remove all sigle-cat-eyed ad block from the rubble but save the ducks to. This is a red Remover Ispired game but with a far more relaxing gameplay. It is nice, it is Fu, but is it so easy? Check it AD be a triumph duck!

  • Sweet potato pieSweet potato pie

    Sweet potato pie
    Sweet potato pie is a very popular dish display dessert I the souther United States. It is that Durig the Thaksgivig ad serves the most Commoly Christmas diers. This dessert pie is very popular with "Thaksgivig". The Court is similar to I can ways pumpki cake, but can Southerers prefer sweet potato pie pumpki pie Durig the holidays. It is actually very easy to make. Lear how this Amazig-sweet to make potato pie recipe here.

  • Traffic ChallengeTraffic Challenge

    Traffic Challenge
    Coordination of traffic on a busy city street think it easy? Think again! Check the traffic light, and try your best not to crash lead!

  • Sweet Tooth SammySweet Tooth Sammy

    Sweet Tooth Sammy
    This is a game, drilling, you play as Sammy, an astronaut had been to collect the task of travel to distant planets and drilling to its core to sweets! It is dangerous, alone, to go, so that to remain not too easy, especially since it Monster lurking in the depths of the planet!

  • Papa's FreezeriaPapa's Freezeria

    Papa's Freezeria
    You have started exactly an easy task in an ice cream shop on a tropical island laidback, but things get hectic, if all Papa Louie get loyal customers for vacation on the island! In this new edition in Papa Louie's restaurant series you must ingredients mix, syrups and ice, add trimmings, and serve the unique Freezeria sundaes to your customers wait.

  • Taylor Kiss TaylorTaylor Kiss Taylor

    Taylor Kiss Taylor
    Cute litle game with the singer Taylor Swift and actor Taylor Lautner kissing each others in a private restaurant.They want to be quiet but it's not always easy with all the paparazzi around. Be carefull there is a bar tender and a waitress who can disturb you too.

  • Hop To The Top GameHop To The Top Game

    Hop To The Top Game
    Starting from the bottom of the ladder just right to work your way from bubble to bubble your way up! It's a really easy game to play but a challenge the higher you go. Do not forget the all important bonus on the way to go with Boost your raise or collect your points.

  • Fallen from The Moon GameFallen from The Moon Game

    Fallen from The Moon Game
    There was once a boy who lived on the moon. Until the full moon. Your task is to go through the world of easy puzzles and back to the moon.

  • GetawayGetaway

    Your fellow criminals have just committed a heist and made away with a ton of loot! It's up to you to get them to their destination safely, but the police won't make it easy! Dodge and weave your way to victory and make the perfect getaway!

  • Wild Wild Space Wild Wild Space

    Wild Wild Space
    Working as a space electrician at a soviet era space station. The mission is to turn off energy fields, collect energy cells and perform other tasks. Sounds too easy? Old space stations are full of danger: magnets, mines, strange mechanical and other debris. Be fast and be careful. Good luck!

  • Chav HunterChav Hunter

    Chav Hunter
    It's your job to free suspects on the streets from the usual gangster. While the first level may seem easy, is it not long before you to Dodge missiles from either direction are.

  • Baggio's Magical KicksBaggio's Magical Kicks

    Baggio's Magical Kicks
    Make perfect goals as if you were Baggio. Watch the distance, the position of the human barrier and the wind direction before to kick. Nobody said that score a goal was an easy thing to do.

  • No SignalNo Signal

    No Signal
    This ones a treat for those of you wanting some old school top down driving action. Dish out some hardline NYC style law enforcement as you play an American Cop working the streets in rural England. It's no easy job dealing with regular Car Jackings with thrash metal booming from their soundsystems, and that's just the cops. You've got to complete six missions, all of which introduce you to the world and characters of the FX Channel's first ever UK commission, a comedy sketch show airing in 2009 called "No Signal".

  • Kiwitiki RescueKiwitiki Rescue

    Kiwitiki Rescue
    Help Kiwitiki gather his Tikiwis in this fun and easy game! Tikiwis are lost in the wild in 16 levels! To bring them together, watch carefully and trigger a smooth chain reaction in a simple click!

  • Kill Mouse GameKill Mouse Game

    Kill Mouse Game
    You have to kill the mouse (the one moving on the screen ) by shooting her at the head. For that purpose, you have to put the pointer on her head and click the left button of your mouse (the one of your computer ), to shoot. There are several levels, but the first one is already not easy! Good luck.

  • Cow Fly GameCow Fly Game

    Cow Fly Game
    A nice simple game - see how far you can hit the cow when she jumps off the rock. Not so easy - you got to get your timing right.

  • Winter Half Dome JigsawWinter Half Dome Jigsaw

    Winter Half Dome Jigsaw
    Play this fun little jigsaw puzzle featuring beautiful Half Done in the snow. Get the fastest time and score higher than everyone else. There are five different difficulty levels to choose from for all skill levels of jigsaw players. Simple has 9 pieces, Easy has 49 pieces, Medium has 100 pieces, Hard has 225 pieces, and Extreme has 225 pieces plus the pieces rotate and have mixed edges.Tags: yosemite, yosemite national park, half dome, mountain, puzzle, puzzles, jigsaw, fun, fupa, winter, snow scene

  • Elite Forces:WarfareElite Forces:Warfare

    Elite Forces:Warfare
    War is not easy craft. Try Overwhelm enemy using towers, units and hero.Tags: elite, forces, warfare, tower, defense, offense, red, alert, star, wars, clone

  • Stunt HamsterStunt Hamster

    Stunt Hamster
    StuntHamster is ready for action. Shoot the hamster out of the cannon and fire him during his flight to hit a new highscore!Tags: hamster, fly, stunt, stunhamster, distance, fire, lighter, cannon, shoot, reach, distance, range, funy, easy, action, cute

  • Penalty Fever GamePenalty Fever Game

    Penalty Fever Game
    Penalty shootout game that goes further than other similar football/ soccer games. The style of the game is pretty simple and easy to learn, but you'll need cat-like reflexes to win the cup. When you take the penalty shoot, click once to start moving towards the ball, and click second time to determine the strength and direction of the shoot. When defending, move the pointer to the place you want your goalkeeper to dive, and click once.

  • Pizza Making GamePizza Making Game

    Pizza Making Game
    Hey there! Are you ready to start making ğizzas? Don't worry, it stars off pretty easy... but it gets harder the longer you play.

  • The Several Journeys Of Reemus GameThe Several Journeys Of Reemus Game

    The Several Journeys Of Reemus Game
    It´s not easy being the brother of a champion dragon slayer. Being an insect exterminator doesn´t make like any easyer.Go on a journey with your friend Liam and try to create a legacy of your own!

  • Dirt Bike Championship GameDirt Bike Championship Game

    Dirt Bike Championship Game
    The objective of the game is to win the races while not crashing. Get ahead of your opponent before the course ends to get to the next one. Be careful of cliffs and rough terrain that would test your motocross skills. A strategy to the game is not to always go full throttle. You have to observe the terrain and figure out if you need to speed up or slow down. One fall will cost you the game so take it easy...

  • FWG Bridge GameFWG Bridge Game

    FWG Bridge Game
    Build the bridge across the canyon. Sound easy? Think again. The physics is really cool, and it is a huge challenge getting the structure right. Once your bridge is built, these strange creatures can cross... safely I hope. The bridge building challenge increases significantly as you progress from levels 1 to 3!

  • Kinetikz 2 GameKinetikz 2 Game

    Kinetikz 2 Game
    Kinetikz 2 is a fun and addictive game of skill and strategy. Fire discs at the puck to guide it to the target. Starts easy – but be warned, it gets quite challenging! See if you can complete all 30 levels!

  • Mine Solver GameMine Solver Game

    Mine Solver Game
    A cute simple and addictive puzzle game in which you have to push all the jewels on the correct spots to finish the level. The game comes with 24 levels, and a easy skip option when you are stuck!

  • GawpstersGawpsters

    Their task, I create this text-actio game to Coect Gawpsters of the same color display is big Combiatios for the best results. Pay attention to big Gawpsters as they are so easy to catch ot. Join Beefit hotspots dungs, slowly dows, shields or double power bouses ad I succeed ATI Collisio either Traiig or normal mode.

  • Brave youngBrave young

    Brave young
    It is so easy to get, I lost a big city, especially if you remember a little cute Kitty! Two steps display are I a Ukow place AMOG Stragers. What should you do? Who are you calling? The brave boy, of course! He is its Hurricae tricycle ad restoration of Justice to the o Guide!

  • Viewing TV dartsViewing TV darts

    Viewing TV darts
    Keep your eye o the price I this Excitig Reditio of darts. TV DART show has Steppig up to the Oche ad Throwig your arrows at certain hotspots o the dartboard. But as easy as they crowded Soud, Movig information goals, you're AGAIST dager Zoes display deadlines as you, strive for the prize.

  • Overnight stayOvernight stay

    Overnight stay
    Their colleagues Crimials committed only a heist display removed, with a booty! It is up to you, your Destiatio to arrive safely, but the police-where ' t make it easy! Display your way Dodge ad weaving make ideal to victory!

  • Mathematics makesMathematics makes

    Mathematics makes
    This is a game, which has 10 levels Wherei you choose the page numbers need to, to get the necessary result of the ED. The game begins simply with Additios ad Subtractios, but now pretty easy to fill out. Whe you reach the 10th level, there to do more Calculatios, display becomes much more difficult, because the game has completed his Withi of the deadline.

  • Stack da policeStack da police

    Stack da police
    A Fuy Balacig game < br > < br > is your target boxes to stack a sigle Tower. This would be easy, if each box would ot Cotai a grumpy dwarf! The dwarves will try your tower to reduce, so let them!

  • Camioane XtrmCamioane Xtrm

    Camioane Xtrm
    Atural obstacles will ot allow you to Wat might advance the fast as you. CA accelerate as easy for you as much as you Wat, but ot be Wade across a river.

  • Cool and comfortable in summerCool and comfortable in summer

    Cool and comfortable in summer
    So it is I hot summer. I ca ot Stad to log display casual clothes. I WAT Somethig, display easy to cool. I have the bee Goig Shoppig ad Shoppig. Fially, I Farooqui it here. Are you Farooqui? Come with me!

  • Stan James: Original free kick challengeStan James: Original free kick challenge

    Stan James: Original free kick challenge
    Now you see, I is the idea of the game to the gate as may free-kicks a line as you ca The more you get guests, the harder the game. Easy! See, how you ca guests a row to display the challege your buddies to your score. I order to score goals, you'll be setting EED the pitch, power, swerve ad Directio of the shot.

  • Car in airCar in air

    Car in air
    You are the sea Drivig a cool red car ear but is easy ot! You have to be careful, to avoid obstacles like Stoes, tree display. Get power-ups like display speed fuel pump Alog as gas.

  • StarGatesStarGates

    Great Starship game were that your mission is there would the all ships all galaxies to defeat. A hard Mission completed. Ot will be easy.

  • Speed - card gameSpeed - card game

    Speed - card game
    A popular card game! < br > < br > you create a map-Ito either OE of the Middle pile of cards. The card must always OE Umbra be higher or OE of amber lower tha the map, the I Center. < br > < br >, it's so easy! < br > < br > now. Play fast AGAIST the computer display see who ca to get rid of all their cards first!

  • Machete ChamberMachete Chamber

    Machete Chamber
    Willing to suffer for prices? Dodge due at the Aswerig sound easy questions. Wi great prices; Shed body fat ugly!

  • The GafferThe Gaffer

    The Gaffer
    The ITO dock pull a chubby camp boss, must be loaded boxes OTO truck, play. Each stack outlied o of the back of the truck, all what you need to do is carry the boxes-OE OE ad I put them in the right place. It is a very simple game, which with its Charmig Presetatio ad easy game play addictive keeps you.As you ru back ad forth Orgaizig boxes a mouse, cat or dog Wader Ito rooms can be displayed. O their ow Aimals usually so Iterfere with your work, but put them together for a display, you have problems. The cat will be the mouse indicator hunt sometimes Dow, to destroy boxes during the mouse ca Kock or the poor bites the dog, Sedig RUIG ad Topplig keep stacks of crates.

  • Type For Gold GameType For Gold Game

    Type For Gold Game
    Don't have the air in your lungs to run a block? - not to worry! Can't be bothered to lift yourself off that chair and give your heart a work out? - join the club! Who needs a gazillion years of training it takes you to be a world-class athelete when all you really need is a keyboard and quick fingers! Join the race for gold in Beijing with this addictive touch-type game. Control your athelete by typing the words right and win the gold medal. It's easy as that. Marks, set....GO!

  • Chasm GameChasm Game

    Chasm Game
    You are a small charming blue beaver... (Normal for a beaver...) Unfortunately, a bridge which was useful has to bring water has your village has been destroyed. You will have to find a means of making come water to the village from another way. For this, you must go from everywhere in the feeder system of water, fact the tubes, valves, barages and others, and use all this equipment so that water can circulate possible further. There is full with different enigmas and funny tricks. You must look at well everywhere and not hesiter does not have to test all the idees which pass to you by the tete. Some of the enigmas are not easy, but really, it is fun!

  • Puzzle Freak 2Puzzle Freak 2

    Puzzle Freak 2
    The competition of the brains is on again. How big is your brain? Your challenge in this game is to go around the playing board as quickly as possible by completing various puzzles. The faster you complete a puzzle, the more IQ points you get. IQ points are also affected by the relative difficulty of a puzzle. There are 4 types of puzzle squares you can land on, ranging from easy to very hard. There are also chance squares on the board, which may help you on your journey to the finish line. Can you win and get to the finish line first?Tags: brain teaser

  • Crazy BallCrazy Ball

    Crazy Ball
    Crazy Ball is a sport game on our page in which you play basketball with a fairy. You are an elf living at the foot of Elves Mountain. You and your friends usually go through the thick forest year by year. Today is a fine day. There will be a great match between Elves and another race. And you are chosen as the representative of your nation. The battle will begin at the basketball field. The rules for this match are clear and easy to understand. Your task is also simple – just put the ball into your opponent’s basket and stop him from doing the same to your basket.

  • Adventurous EricAdventurous Eric

    Adventurous Eric
    Another adventurous day begins for Eric the cat. Use your mouse to help him through his beautiful hand sketched experiences. Follow the path with your mouse in this easy to pick up casual game. As you progress, Eric's adventures unfold before your eyes. Can you get through all six scenes? Downloadable rewards await those who can.  

  • The Skull KidThe Skull Kid

    The Skull Kid
    Fun, easy, Gory and Bloody good luck and enjoy the game  

  • Ninja GardenerNinja Gardener

    Ninja Gardener
    In this Candy colored offers you are a wonderfully clumsy Ninja who has sown a small harvest of only 20 seeds. However, before they sprout a chance have pesky birds begin to notice and trying to get it. Sure, you could get rid a scarecrow of the birds build, but that's not the Ninja's way. So, instead you kill by tipped Spades.Die throw this poisoned bird attacks are initially slow and easy to defend against. Although the possibility, just throw a spade at the same time quickly is fast birds than one heck of a handicap than, come home with in the vicinity of ruthless determination. Keep your wits about you and use the bonus-pick-ups wisely, to ensure a good return on your plantation.

  • Snowy SueSnowy Sue

    Snowy Sue
    Snow-covered help Sue collect mushrooms and golden coins in mysterious forests. It is not easy not pleased to see, how evil dwarves, are any intruder.

  • The Railway Robot's Road TripThe Railway Robot's Road Trip

    The Railway Robot's Road Trip
    The small robot with his Robo girl tried meeting, but it is not too easy... Help him by switch and rotate the parts of the railway. Evil policemen are molesting him, so he must avoid them.

  • easy vegetable soup recipe cookingeasy vegetable soup recipe cooking

    easy vegetable soup recipe cooking
    Vegetable soup is a tasty and easy to cook. Vegetable soup is the perfect vegetarian dish that gives all the goodness of vegetables not only you, but also helps to reduce and maintain weight. If you are curious to learn this recipe then you have to play this cooking game know, every step in the preparation involved in this healthy dish. You begin your cooking process by the oil in a large saucepan, heat and chopped leeks, garlic, salt, carrots, potatoes, green beans, add and mix well. Add it after cooking kosher salt in the pot for a few minutes vegetable broth, tomatoes, maize, lemon juice, parsley and a pinch. put black pepper after the vegetable soup into a bowl and serve it immediately to your love.

  • delicious butterscotch pudding cakedelicious butterscotch pudding cake

    delicious butterscotch pudding cake
    If you want a delicious pudding recipe, which would be not only a part of your meal, but also a big smile on your face should bring family members, butterscotch would be cake pudding the perfect peachy dessert. the best of this recipe is that you learn to make this recipe in no time. If you are proficient in the mixture of various ingredients according to the given instructions, you are good to go. in your virtual kitchen and use all the ingredients and other kitchen utensils and tools, to prepare this delicious dessert throughout the year be enjoyed can. at the end of this cooking game, you will realize no doubt that make butterscotch really easy Pudding Pie and fun is!

  • The railway-robot-road tripThe railway-robot-road trip

    The railway-robot-road trip
    The small robot is Tryig meeting with his Robo-girl, but it's too easy ot... Help him by Switchig ad Rotatig the parts of the railway. Angry bulls are him trouble, so he must avoid.

  • quick and easy baked ravioliquick and easy baked ravioli

    quick and easy baked ravioli
    a delicious meal that can be prepared very easily by anyone is crispy and cheesy baked ravioli. It requires only a few ingredients such as ravioli, different types of cheese, meat and sauces. Let us buy the necessary items from the shop. After shopping in the kitchen and collect the tools to start the cooking process. Add the prepared meat and sauce in the bowl and mix it with the help of spatula; and add this mixture in the casserole with pasta and mozzarella cheese. Bake the mixture 30 minutes that add ravioli and Parmesan cheese to mixture and then 15 minutes bake it. Their easy baked ravioli is ready to eat!

  • 4 Seasons easy truck4 Seasons easy truck

    4 Seasons easy truck
    Display, take the rough Terrai ot try your Moster truck crash!

  • simple and easy no bake cookiessimple and easy no bake cookies

    simple and easy no bake cookies
    a lady has some of her best friends, come over and look at their new furniture invited. She planned to cook many tasty snacks for them but unfortunately due to their schedule she wasn't accessible in the position at home time. soon her friends and she has prepared very little time to make some tasty snacks for them. simply prepare an idea to no bake biscuits stuck Luckily, that their grandmother once taught her. the best of the recipe is, it requires only a few ingredients. Although easily and quickly can be produced, needs she are still your support to collect and mix the ingredients properly, as it has very little time to prepare everything. Follow their instructions and complete all necessary steps without any errors within the time limit.

  • Easy CruiseEasy Cruise

    Easy Cruise
    Easily control a cruise around the Caribbean ports with the cursor. Sailing in the dock to the level complete them carefully. Each level is a little more difficult, because the receive ports to some workers and increased wind speed. Use the keys of A and s to the bow of the boat with the bow thrusters nudge.

  • Easy ChessEasy Chess

    Easy Chess
    Strategy game, Defeat your opponent

  • Easy way outEasy way out

    Easy way out

  • BBQBeefBurgerMan: Easy BBQ-ish eventsBBQBeefBurgerMan: Easy BBQ-ish events

    BBQBeefBurgerMan: Easy BBQ-ish events

  • Easy and clean dressEasy and clean dress

    Easy and clean dress
    Help her to dress up.

  • Easy bakingEasy baking

    Easy baking
    The Igrediets ad decorate using your ow cake.

  • Onslaught 2 Onslaught 2

    Onslaught 2
    Another tower defense for your pleasure. Dynamic turret placement with turret upgrades. Starts easy.  

  •  Seabed Cleaner Seabed Cleaner

    Seabed Cleaner
    There's easy, clear aim in this game - to remove all the things from seabed.  

  • Leap on RocksLeap on Rocks

    Leap on Rocks
      Ride your bike over the tricky gaps as you try to play the same levels in both easy and hard.

  • Waiter GameWaiter Game

    Waiter Game
    Welcome to your new job. You are new and easy to fire, so listen carefully. You are a waitress and you server the clients. Do it in 3 steps: 1. Take the order 2. Bring the order 3. Clean the table

  • Disney Restaurant GameDisney Restaurant Game

    Disney Restaurant Game
    Managing a cabaret and keeping customers happy is not an easy task. You must be quick and use your judgment to keep the level of satisfaction at its highest. To do this, all you need is your mouse and the knowledge of each character's role. The gauge to your left indicates the overall cabaret's satisfaction. Each ccustomer has his/her own aureole of color, which will go from green to red depending on your quality as host. A customer with a red aureole is quite mad and on the verge of leaving the cabaret so keep it green! You win the game if you can keep the overall cabaret's satisfaction at "excellent" during 2 minutes and you lose the game if you stay in "poor" during 1 minute.

  • NBA SpiritNBA Spirit

    NBA Spirit
    NBA Spirit is a sport game. It is very easy to play. The basketball will move to the basket, when it moves to the right place to shoot, you need to hold the mouse until the man jump to the best position then to release the mouse.

  • Starlight 2 Starlight 2

    Starlight 2
    There's only you and a night sky full of stars. Turn your imagination on and find out what pictures are hidden between the stars! is here, with almost twice more levels that in original game. You've asked for challenge? Two new gameplay modes are there to satisfy those who aren't looking for easy ways. And now you can create your own constellations too! Check out built-in levels editor (with video tutorial). And don't forget to share your creation with others!  

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