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Play Elephant Games online and free at Colouredgames.
  • Snoring 2: Wild WestSnoring 2: Wild West

    Snoring 2: Wild West
    wake up to the elephant in this cute little physics game!

  • Garden irrigationGarden irrigation

    Garden irrigation
    Garden irrigation with elephant.

  • This Is The Only LevelThis Is The Only Level

    This Is The Only Level
    The elephant forgot the rest of the levels, but luckily he has still one left! Help beat him in all his glory of Metagaming. Use your great knowledge of gaming and skill, manhandle your way through a variety of challenges. Get your mind out of the box once! Take it outside stroll, or maybe grab a bite to eat with him. Oh, and beat the level. There is only one.

  • Elephant QuestElephant Quest

    Elephant Quest
    The fight is on! Wooly has your precious bowler CAP and now are to go on a romp, to get it back! Explore the freeform world of 45 different areas in this RPG-shooter-hybrid. Full Sidequests, power-ups, to get additional firepower and experience! Navigate the ridiculous level tree to be the most powerful bull in the universe.

  • Elephant careElephant care

    Elephant care
    It's your first day at the Elephat-Groomig-Studio. Their task is to maintain this baby Elephats keep them healthy indicator be CLEA. Treat well because Elephats Kalu forgotten!

  • War ElephantWar Elephant

    War Elephant
    You are most vicious Warrior hordes of the world, as you lead your army, I rejoice your quest for the Legedary axe!

  • Haathi nahin Mera Saathi - elephant ChaseHaathi nahin Mera Saathi - elephant Chase

    Haathi nahin Mera Saathi - elephant Chase
    Elephat is Chasig. You've got ru as soon as possible, otherwise you will be trampled underfoot by the Elephat!

  • Elephant runElephant run

    Elephant run
    Think also RUIG!

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