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Play Mario Games online and free at Colouredgames.
  • Super Mario World FlashSuper Mario World Flash

    Super Mario World Flash
    Mario Brothers fans, Miss not this excellent Mario platform action game!

  • Mario Star catcher 2Mario Star catcher 2

    Mario Star catcher 2
    Mario star 2-catcher flash Mario online game

  • Tuper TarIO TrosTuper TarIO Tros

    Tuper TarIO Tros
    To move the rubble how to create paths for Mario, use this Mario Ad Tetris Mashup.

  • Sonic lost in Mario WorldSonic lost in Mario World

    Sonic lost in Mario World
    Play as SOIC I Mario World. Insert ca defeat the evil Mario or will it forever?

  • Mario mushroom Adventure 2Mario mushroom Adventure 2

    Mario mushroom Adventure 2
    She helped Mario o first Mario Pilz Adveture game display ow survive to he his Secod mushroom Adveture Waitig for you Joi.Exisitieren.

  • Sonic Lost In Mario WorldSonic Lost In Mario World

    Sonic Lost In Mario World
    Play as sonic in Mario world. can you defeat the evil Mario or will you get stuck there forever?

  • Super Mario TruckSuper Mario Truck

    Super Mario Truck
    Mario his truck drive and deliver items back to his home to help. twelve layer super Mario truck fun.

  • Tuper Tario TrosTuper Tario Tros

    Tuper Tario Tros
    Not slide off the screen using this mashup Mario and you can create paths for Mario Tetris.

  • Sonic in Mario World 2Sonic in Mario World 2

    Sonic in Mario World 2
    Multiple levels of playing as sonic in the Mario universe against Mario's enemies. Crush them all!

  • Mario remixMario remix

    Mario remix
    This is the ultimate Mario game. There are 3 games to choose from. The first is the classic Mario game, which there is Mario Fightig game where must make Mario your choice Ad Fially Mario is flying ad Dodgig Eemies different Eemies. Do them all!

  • Mario Bros in pipe panicMario Bros in pipe panic

    Mario Bros in pipe panic
    Display Mario Luigi I Pacma world.

  • Mario mushroom adventuresMario mushroom adventures

    Mario mushroom adventures
    Help Mario I mushroom Adveture Bursche.Mai Challegig flat display many Fu.

  • Mario tractor 2013Mario tractor 2013

    Mario tractor 2013
    Help Mario, Luigi, peach ad Yoshi collect cois while Drivig their tractor

  • Super Mario World Flash 2Super Mario World Flash 2

    Super Mario World Flash 2
    Welcome to ew world Adveture of Super Mario.

  • Gangster BrosGangster Bros

    Gangster Bros
    Gag ster Bros is aother Fuy Mario game.

  • Super Mario Star Scramble 3Super Mario Star Scramble 3

    Super Mario Star Scramble 3
    Mario is back again in this fun platform game!

  • Mario Motocross Mania 2Mario Motocross Mania 2

    Mario Motocross Mania 2
    Run your Moto Bike and collect stars in Mario Motocross Mania 2 really fast!

  • Super Mario World RevivedSuper Mario World Revived

    Super Mario World Revived
    Another Mario game

  • Super Mario Halloween EditionSuper Mario Halloween Edition

    Super Mario Halloween Edition
    the classic super Mario Bros with a Halloween theme.

  • Monoliths Mario World 2Monoliths Mario World 2

    Monoliths Mario World 2
    Version 2 of one of the best Mario game adjustments.

  • Mario Tetris 3Mario Tetris 3

    Mario Tetris 3
    Play Tetris blocks with Mario.

  • Super Mario Sunshine 64Super Mario Sunshine 64

    Super Mario Sunshine 64
    Another Mario game.

  • Super Mario Crossover 2Super Mario Crossover 2

    Super Mario Crossover 2
    Mario is back for another adventure fun!

  • Super Mario Revived gameSuper Mario Revived game

    Super Mario Revived game
    Super Mario revived game

  • Mario DressupMario Dressup

    Mario Dressup
    Dress up Mario of any way you like!

  • Super Mario HardcoreSuper Mario Hardcore

    Super Mario Hardcore
    Super Mario with guns and bullets!

  • Super Mario RevivedSuper Mario Revived

    Super Mario Revived
    playable Mario fan game with many challenges fun!

  • Koopas RevengeKoopas Revenge

    Koopas Revenge
    This time Koopa get's to stomp the Mario's!

  • Super MarioSuper Mario

    Super Mario
    elp mario for rescue princess

  • Little MarioLittle Mario

    Little Mario
    Little mario collect golds at fantastic world.

  • Mario Dress UpMario Dress Up

    Mario Dress Up
    Dress mario with what you like clothes. 

  • Mario RacingMario Racing

    Mario Racing
    Mario racing with other monsters in forest. 

  • Super Mario Super Mario

    Super Mario
    Super Mario game is very good.

  • Mario WorldMario World

    Mario World
    Mario legend is back...

  • Tamus On Moonyland GameTamus On Moonyland Game

    Tamus On Moonyland Game
    Move in this sidescroller grabbing stars and avoiding enemies in this Mario clone.

  • Boat BonanzaBoat Bonanza

    Boat Bonanza
    Use the arrow keys to control mario and his boat. 

  • Old Mario BrosOld Mario Bros

    Old Mario Bros
    Super mario continue adventures. 

  • Mario Heady UpMario Heady Up

    Mario Heady Up
    Bounce the soccer ball on mario's noggin and hit the character icons for  points.

  • Mario Time AttackMario Time Attack

    Mario Time Attack
    Mario time attack

  • Super Mario BomberSuper Mario Bomber

    Super Mario Bomber
    Here is your chance to play Bomberman with all characters from the Mario world.

  • Rambo Bros.Rambo Bros.

    Rambo Bros.
    Shoot the Mario characters and watch the blood spill.

  • Mario FlyMario Fly

    Mario Fly
    Cute Super Mario Bros fly and shoot game.

  • The Rambo BrosThe Rambo Bros

    The Rambo Bros
    Mario and Luigi save Princess Peach with guns.

  • Super Mafia Bros.Super Mafia Bros.

    Super Mafia Bros.
    A mafia parody of the Super Mario Bros.

  • Mario snowMario snow

    Mario snow
    The Mario-Uiverse characters, as you lie, lie as log as possible jump Dodge.

  • Mario driftMario drift

    Mario drift
    Your car aroud race the track display of objects I collect this super Mario Racig game!

  • Super Marco adventureSuper Marco adventure

    Super Marco adventure
    Collect Marco Hotspots I help this cool Mario Ispired Adveture game.

  • New Super Mario World 3New Super Mario World 3

    New Super Mario World 3
    Aother Mario World, the other short levels to beat.

  • Mario's adventureMario's adventure

    Mario's adventure
    Aandere flash version of Mario with a sequence will be exist this OE!

  • Mario Forever FlashMario Forever Flash

    Mario Forever Flash
    Mario Forever Flash is a colorful platformer game placed in the Mario univers. Evil King Bowser Koopa captured Princess Toadstool once again and it is your, Mario, duty to beat him and save Princess once and for all.Tags: mario, platformer, softendo, toadstool, koopa, bowser, jump

  • Bosh Bash GameBosh Bash Game

    Bosh Bash Game
    Fight and try to beat the three extremely difficult bosses from Super Mario Brothers 2, Double Dragon, and Zelda II by using the characters from that respected game.

  • Mario Racing GameMario Racing Game

    Mario Racing Game
    Mario Racing. Select your character. Finish each map in first place to complete it.

  • Super Mario Bros FlashSuper Mario Bros Flash

    Super Mario Bros Flash
    World 1 of a recent Mario demo. Still a little buggy, don't die or you have to restart it all over.

  • Mario TownMario Town

    Mario Town
    No killing Mario enemies, simply avoid them at all costs and stay alive. Reach the other side!

  • Super Mario Vetorial WorldSuper Mario Vetorial World

    Super Mario Vetorial World
    Another game of Mario with a few steps. Can you make alive by the individual?

  • Agro VacationAgro Vacation

    Agro Vacation
    Drop a guy with a gun in a bad Mario game.

  • Bowser BallBowser Ball

    Bowser Ball
    Keep Mario safe as you dodge the boulders bowser throws. Careful there are 4 bowsers!

  • Super Mario Kart XtremeSuper Mario Kart Xtreme

    Super Mario Kart Xtreme
    Lets run over some Mario universe characters and watch the blood fly! Don't crash or go too slow.

  • Luigi's DayLuigi's Day

    Luigi's Day
    Why play as Mario when you can take the role of Luigi.

  • Wooper's AdventureWooper's Adventure

    Wooper's Adventure
    Wooper's girl friend Hus been stoled! Rescue her in this slightly infantile, Mario themed retro platform game.

  • Super Raynes WorldSuper Raynes World

    Super Raynes World
    Grab coins, jump over enemies and collect powerups in this "Super Mario" like adventure game.

  • Super MarcoSuper Marco

    Super Marco
    Mario hits Metal Slug. This is one of the best Mario/Metal Slug game ever as Marco penetrates the Mario land. Prepare also meet some cool characters.

  • Mario Tractor 2Mario Tractor 2

    Mario Tractor 2
    Mario is back in his tractor and this time he has his friends with him. Lead certain levels to unlock special characters.

  • Super Mario Star Scramble: Ghost IslandSuper Mario Star Scramble: Ghost Island

    Super Mario Star Scramble: Ghost Island
    Move Mario through the arenas as you grab coins and stars. Squish monsters and ghosts to avoid.

  • Super Mario World - Bowser BattleSuper Mario World - Bowser Battle

    Super Mario World - Bowser Battle
    In this Mario game, you fight Bowser, the boss of bosses. You need to avoid his evil attacks and fight the monsters he sends.

  • Super Mario ATVSuper Mario ATV

    Super Mario ATV
    Super Mario is on another adventure, this time is he collect stars rated and his Super-ATV riding!

  • Mario World OverrunMario World Overrun

    Mario World Overrun
    Mario World is overrun completely addicting shooting game fun. Mario world has all been overrun any crazy enemies. pay attention, that she to destroy your Castle. Let your Castle by the enemies Mario World overrun. buy weapons and special items in the shop. Use the weapons to destroy the oncoming enemies. the game ends once your Castle is destroyed and is run over.

  • Luigi: Castle On FireLuigi: Castle On Fire

    Luigi: Castle On Fire
    They are Luigi, jump over openings in the floor of Castle, and dodge the Mario Bros. universe creatures.

  • Super Mario - Save ToadSuper Mario - Save Toad

    Super Mario - Save Toad
    Fill in more Mario levels for you how you access coins, crush Goombas and jump on turtles.

  • Super Mario SunshineSuper Mario Sunshine

    Super Mario Sunshine
    In this game Mario fights an evil witch. to complete the level, you have your backpack.

  • Mario PokerMario Poker

    Mario Poker
    Play poker with super Mario fantasy cards (this game is a large file and will take quite a while (4.53 MB) download)

  • Mario Kart 3DMario Kart 3D

    Mario Kart 3D
    Mario Kart 3D takes Mario Racig on the ext level speed aroud AY 5 title Withi the game like Mario or OE of his had to try like you to be the fastest MarioKart3D racer!

  • Super Mario star scramble: Ghost IcelandSuper Mario star scramble: Ghost Iceland

    Super Mario star scramble: Ghost Iceland
    Mario through the panes in the cois ad stars move, how to access. Squish Mosters, display avoid ghosts.

  • Adair Tishler bullet hopAdair Tishler bullet hop

    Adair Tishler bullet hop
    Jump from bullet bills by Mario Uiverse as you try to get high as possible without Dyig.

  • Santastic will bring brings SantaSantastic will bring brings Santa

    Santastic will bring brings Santa
    Ru-display-jump when you hit presets like Mario with your head ad TUR Ito SATA ad throw Sowballs.

  • The Wooper adventureThe Wooper adventure

    The Wooper adventure
    Wooper girls Hus bee fried stoled! Save your i this easy Ifatile, Mario themed retro platform game.

  • Mario tractor 4Mario tractor 4

    Mario tractor 4
    Help Mario display his present his tractor--these courses Collectig how can Cois drive as possible. Mamma Mia

  • Super Mario Flash Halloween VersionSuper Mario Flash Halloween Version

    Super Mario Flash Halloween Version
    Play Mario with a slight Halloween theme for the coming holidays. To crush this evil.

  • Super Mario StrikersSuper Mario Strikers

    Super Mario Strikers
    The goal is bouce, that hit the soccer ball-o-Mario Oggi display the sign-ICOs for hotspots.

  • Mario lost in spaceMario lost in space

    Mario lost in space
    Try you, Guy Mario o platform-o Radomly-Geerated-maps. You'll be harder.

  • Super Mario veto Memorial WorldSuper Mario veto Memorial World

    Super Mario veto Memorial World
    Aandere Mario game with a couple of levels. Bring it about you through each?

  • Super Marioworld Cape glideSuper Marioworld Cape glide

    Super Marioworld Cape glide
    Keep Floatig ad that let him slide with his Cape Mario. To crash!

  • Mario Bros dress upMario Bros dress up

    Mario Bros dress up
    Super Mario Bros dress up game for kids. Choose your favorite suit for him, for his ew Adveture.

  • Marion cool dress upMarion cool dress up

    Marion cool dress up
    Mario dress like a tomboy or like a cool girl? Choose some clothes for her.

  • Bemani XtremeBemani Xtreme

    Bemani Xtreme
    The versio game by playing Guitar Hero with such Mario as the Protagoist. It tries Cotiue a rhythm of music with keyboard cursors.

  • SewingSewing

    Sewig ca you will Fu.Nehmen the display of the thred digitizing software sew a picture of Pricess peach from Mario Brothers.

  • First Mario game of all timeFirst Mario game of all time

    First Mario game of all time
    This game is for 2 players oly. This is the first Mario Bros. the first OE. It is a classic arcade game. This was also part of super Mario Bros. 3.

  • Mario drag raceMario drag race

    Mario drag race
    Drag race did with Mario Ad! Balace Mario between speed ad Agles to esure you wi the race with each after as you ca Cois!

  • Mario BMX 3Mario BMX 3

    Mario BMX 3
    Mario BMX is back after popular Dami display is better tha ever met the hills ad valleys of Yoshi's Islad as Mario display his present try their BMX ad range ext level stay o

  • Mario tractor raceMario tractor race

    Mario tractor race
    You can choose each other race, from 4 of your favorite Mario characters I their ow Mario Tractor tractors! Beat the remaining display wi the race!

  • New Mario FlashNew Mario Flash

    New Mario Flash
    Run more Gomba as Mario, as you squish. Better graphics as she evade most Mario. Enjoy the new levels

  • Super Bandit BrosSuper Bandit Bros

    Super Bandit Bros
    In the world of Super Mario, but not Mario. Grab the coins and Dodge and jump on the creatures.(this game is a large file and take a long whil (2.04 MB) download)

  • Super Mario 63Super Mario 63

    Super Mario 63
    This awesome Super Mario Bros platform jump and run adventure game is not only advisable for Mario or Luigi fans! Use the arrow keys, Z, X and C, to explore the world. Use your arrow keys to this free online flash game.

  • Super Mario RacingSuper Mario Racing

    Super Mario Racing
    Super Mario and the gang are a fuel action packed race, choose your favorite Mario Kart character race against the rest of the gang, power-ups and collect zoom past the finish line.

  • Mario MemoryMario Memory

    Mario Memory
    Match the same Mario Bros. characters and find which pic is under each card. Mario themed memory match game.

  • group fightgroup fight

    group fight
    As a group to fight the growth of the city's dark streets will be illuminated. A nice fighting game game mario, billy lee or you can play as zelda. For other fighting games fighting games visit our category

  • Robin The Archer In PixielandRobin The Archer In Pixieland

    Robin The Archer In Pixieland
    Robin the Archer is the hero in Pixeland. This game is similar to the classic mario style with the added feature of shooting the enemies.

  • Mario CombatMario Combat

    Mario Combat
    You are super Mario! It means you've got to go and kick Bowser's ass. Get massive combos to boost your score!

  • Mario LandMario Land

    Mario Land
    Mario is back on land fight through 4 tough level trying to save the Princess from the big boss. Fight the boss, and save the Princess!

  • Mario ExpressMario Express

    Mario Express
    Mario deliver mushrooms, green shells, and more on the market to help! The tractor attached back to the trailer and use to separate space of your followers!

  • Mario CastleMario Castle

    Mario Castle
    The castle is the second challenge for Mario! He has defeated the evil boss ashore, now he has to defeat him in his own Castle. The castle is dangerous as to be prepared for everything.

  • Super Mario CrossSuper Mario Cross

    Super Mario Cross
    Here is a game of Mario quite funny, because here you will drive through the levels using a motorcycle!

  • New Super Mario World 2New Super Mario World 2

    New Super Mario World 2
    Not that super but a new Mario World game is what we have here! Jump and run and collect the coins in this little platform game.

  • Mario Jet SkiMario Jet Ski

    Mario Jet Ski
    Mario is ski racing beat Beach and his Jet. Hit the ramps and collect the coins. Jump over obstacles and reach the finish line before the run of life.

  • New Super Mario WorldNew Super Mario World

    New Super Mario World
    not that Super, but a new is Mario World game, what we have here! jump and run and collect the coins in this little platform game.

  • Mario Ice SkatingMario Ice Skating

    Mario Ice Skating
    Mario ice skating adventure with tension and excitement. Slide you away will be taken from the edges of the rink or obstacles to avoid. So what are you waiting for? Their equipment and start skating. It would be a rewarding experience in any case.

  • the snailthe snail

    the snail
    a super Mario-ish flash game from Japan, except instead of an Italian plumber, you're a snail. with a moustache. reach the end level ring, before the time runs out. see the animation before each level to see what new obstacles and enemies in the store are.

  • Super Mario Boat BonanzaSuper Mario Boat Bonanza

    Super Mario Boat Bonanza
    Control Mario and his boat. Collect coins and green mushrooms. Watch out for the enemies like piranhas, skeleton birds and bomb balloons.

  • Koopa AvalancheKoopa Avalanche

    Koopa Avalanche
    Koopa is the turtle from Mario games. This game you have to help, ın Koopa catch coins that fall from above and avoid spikes and bullets. Bullets can be rotated horizontally and to avoid you have to duck the arrow down. the horizontal movement is controlled with the arrows to the left and right. You catch a fungus ıf, you get an extra life.

  • Mario jetskiMario jetski

    Mario jetski
    Mario is his jet-ski Beach ad Racig Hancock. Hit the ramps display collecting cois. Reach the jump over the obstacles display Fiish lie before you ru from life.

  • Mario ice skatingMario ice skating

    Mario ice skating
    Mario ice Skatig Adveture thrill ad Excitemet. Slide away from the edges of the Rik or obstacles I order to avoid Gettig hit. So, what are you for Waitig? Get your gear indicator start Skatig. It would Defiitely a Rewardig life management.

  • Mario mini MotoMario mini Moto

    Mario mini Moto
    Havig a crazy time Whizzig aroud Mario Ad its fried, the streets fueled by this actio Adrealie packed Adveture. Find the Fu, you ca other player display beat the al having most!

  • Robin of the Archer in PixielandRobin of the Archer in Pixieland

    Robin of the Archer in Pixieland
    Robi of the Archer is the hero I Pixelad. This game is similar to added like the classic Mario style with function, the Shootig of Eemies.

  • Mario's Adventure 2 Mario's Adventure 2

    Mario's Adventure 2
    A new Mario game with much improved graphics similar to the DS.  

  • Mario Mini GameMario Mini Game

    Mario Mini Game
    Kill many monsters in combos to unlock new areas.  

  • Mario Star Scramble 2 Mario Star Scramble 2

    Mario Star Scramble 2
    Collect all the shine sprites and defeat Bowser to save the Mushroom Kingdom!

Total Page : 2

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